Since I started my job of cooking classes trainer and chef at home, I asked her to come with me directly to the holiday homes of our students and guests. This was probably one of the most intelligent ideas I never had: now, at 5 years from the birth of my company CuocheinVacanza, I’m grateful to her for the precious tips and advices.

In fact everyone can learn tecniques, but few people are so lucky to be followed from someone who put her heart in cooking and thinks to the guests first of all.Obviously she’s a really fantastic chef, a marvellous person and she’s always ready to teach everyone the finest art of cooking, that’s why she’s so requested in our Cookery Courses around Tuscany.

mini croissants
You’re going to abtain a really elegant cookie, worth of the best bakeries, but so easy to make!

Hello ! We are near Lucca this week and was wondering g if you could do some cooking class for our children and maybe lunch or dinner at home?
Thanks !
Ciao Pia, thanks for writing! I’m sorry, but already busy in these days. Hope you’ll arrive in Tuscany another time so that to arrange a class! Buone vacanze!