Eggplant (Aubergines) Parmigiana di melanzane!

- parmigiana aubergines

In fact, during my online cooking classes, I could see that if you use fresh mozzarella, the eggplants slices tend to relax, to expand in the oven. Therefore the elegant scenographic effect of the Aubergine Tower is lost. This does not happen with the low moisture mozzarella.
Awesome recipes!! I like all Eggplant recipes but my favorite eggplant recipe is Grilled Aubergine Eggplant.
I'm so glad you like these recipes! During the Summer I work hard and so is difficult for me to write recipes…I prefer writing my experiences. But now is starting the Autumn and you'll see I'll introduce you many successfull recipes. I love grilled Aubergines too, but this is the original (from Sicily) one. I have a very nice recipes with Aubergines…as soon as I write it I'll tell to you.
Many thanks and take care! K
Dear Erika. What a delight to find your website on Facebook this morning. I thoroughly enjoyed reading your recipes and as much as I love to cook and read all things cucina..I always learn something new and helpful. How I wish that I could experience your expertis
e in Tuscany but since it is not possible..zI shall look for..everything that you write. Mille grazia e Buona fortuna
Norma cara! You can’t imagine how much your words give me the force to go ahead with my projects. I love cooking and teaching. Ask me everything you want through the blog but also through Facebook, as you prefer! Hope to meet you soon in Tuscany, keep in touch! Erika